"Theatre, Ritual and Building International Communities" A Keynote Address by David Daimond (Director, Theatre without Borders) and Dr. Jessica Litwak (Artistic Director, The H.E.A.T.
U S Arts Envoy Jessica Litwak changing perspectives throughout The Fear Project
"Theaters Without Borders" A Keynote Address by Dr. Jessica Litwak (Multi-Disciplinary International Theatre Leader, recognized in the field of Theatre for Social Change; core member of Theatre Without Borders) and David Diamond (Theatre consultant, teacher and a career coach; Member of the Steering Committee of Theatre Without Borders) International Symposium
CultureHub presents Jessica Litwak's dissertation defense My Heart Is in the East: Exploring Theater as a Vehicle For Change, Inspired by the Poetic Performances of Ancient Andalusia livestreaming from New York City on the global, commons-based peer produced HowlRound TV network at howlround.tv on Saturday, May 9 at 10am PDT (San Francisco) / 11am MDT (Albuquerque) / 12pm CDT (Chicago) / 1pm EDT (New York) / 17:00 GMT / 6pm BST (London) / 7pm CEST (Seville).
Promotional Video for our Emma Goldman Day
LITWAK MODERATES "Theater and Creativity in the Underground". The panel took place on April 21, 2018 at SubCulture, as part of the PEN World Voices Festival. Meet award-winning practitioners who work on the sharp edge of politically engaged theater in Russia and Tunisia, and navigate constant threats of censorship and political repression.