Jessica Litwak's Emma Goldman Trilogy explores the life and work of the in/famous anarchist Emma Goldman. Separately, the plays have been produced all over the world, but only recently have they been offered together as a unique and thrilling day-long theatrical experience featuring 8 actors.

Filled with excitement, humor and pathos, the plays portray Goldman's time in prison, her public life, and her relationship with her life long comrade Alexander Berkman: one of the most unusual love stories of all time. The first Emma Goldman Trilogy Happening was produced in March of 2016 in honor of Women’s History Month and was sponsored by UN Women. Over three plays, three discussions and three feasts we laughed, cried and built a thrilling new community. 

The Emma Goldman Trilogy by Jessica Litwak is a profoundly moving theatrical experience. Litwak has an uncanny way of bringing us into the heart of the action. These three plays provide an audience with an ever-widening range of experiences to help us understand who we are, how we came to live in our current world, and what it means to stand up for our beliefs.
— Lana Povitz


Love, Anarchy and Other Affairs

Over one evening in 1901, 32 year-old Emma Goldman hides from the police who are pursuing her in connection with President McKinley's assassination. Love, Anarchy and Other Affairs was first directed by Anne Bogart and produced by The Women's Project


The Snake and the Falcon

In 1919, 50 year-old Emma Goldman is at the forefront of radical politics: advocating for free love, access to birth control and an end to war. A 25-year old J. Edgar Hoover decides to make a name for himself by deporting Emma, if he can only find the legal precedent. Developed by The Lark and Theater J.


Nobody is Sleeping

In the early 1930's Emma, now in her 70's, travels to the Spanish front to raise funds for the Spanish Civil War. The play gives homage to the hope and heroism of a war now often forgotten. The many characters that help evoke this exciting personal and political story include Franco (as a puppeteer manipulating Hitler, Stalin, FDR, Chamberlain among many others), Durruti, Lorca, Ernest Hemingway, and, of course, Alexander Berkman and Emma Goldman. Original puppets were created for the show. 

Third happening, coming soon

Keep an eye on our events page

Second Happening, March 2017

Panelists included Cindy Cooper of Words of Choice, Lana Povitz of Jewish Voice for Peace and Marilyn Fabiola on the Sanctuary Campus Movement. 

11:30am : Love, Anarchy and Other Affairs Directed by Francesca Mantani Arkus with Jessica Litwak, Stacey Linnartz and Tim Thomas

1:30pm : Snake and The Falcon Directed by Katie Pearl with Oliver Burns, Stacey Linnartz, Jessica Litwak, Jeremy Rishe and Tim Thomas

3:30pm : Nobody is Sleeping Directed by Thais Giannoccaro with Deborah Black, Oliver Burns, Stacey Linnartz, Jessica Litwak, Jeremy Rishe, Julissa Roman and Tim Thomas 



2:00 PM : Love Anarchy And Other Affairs

3:30 PM : Russian cookies, tea + discussion lead by a historian

4:30 PM : The Snake and the Falcon

6:00 PM : Spanish tapas, wine + discussion lead by an activist

7:00 PM : Nobody is Sleeping

8:30 PM : Dessert, shots of Russian vodka + discussion lead by an artist Guests

If you want to understand how theatre builds community, look no further than the Emma Goldman Trilogy Happening: An incredible day that provoked thoughtful conversations and connected people through the inspiring life of Emma Goldman and the vibrant storytelling of Jessica Litwak
— Jens Rasmussen
Jessica Litwak.... has [Emma Goldman’s] fire and spirited commitment to justice, equal rights, peace and, yes, to wonderful theater. Goldman loved the theater and would have loved Litwak’s three plays that revitalise the life of this extraordinary woman by grabbing the audience and plunging us into the robust, often tragic, always fascinating histories she lived.
— Karen Malpede
The experience of the trilogy felt like a step toward changing the world: one imagination at a time
— Catherine Eaton
Litwak inspires her audiences with her language-based theatre based in her love for our shared humanity
— Emma Goldman-Sherman